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Privacy Policy

Hey there! We want you to know that your privacy matters to us at CapWages. This little document will explain what info we collect and how we use it—keeping it simple and straight.

What We Collect

Personal Info: We only ask for the basics (like your name and email) when you decide to sign up or get in touch with us. No surprises here.
Other Stuff: We also grab some technical info automatically—like your device type and what pages you visit—just to make the site better.

How We Use It

We use this info to keep things running smoothly, improve the site, and sometimes send you updates (but we’ll keep it chill, promise!).

Sharing? Nope.

We don’t sell your info, ever. If we use a service to help us out (like hosting or analytics), they also have to keep your info safe.

Keeping It Safe

We try our best to keep your data secure, but no system’s perfect. We’ll always do our part to make sure your info is as safe as possible.

Your Choices

If you ever want to see, update, or delete the info you’ve shared with us, just let us know. We’ve got your back.


If we make any big changes to this policy, we’ll let you know right here. Keep an eye out!

Got Questions?

Feel free to reach out anytime at We’re here to help.